Not all recruiters are created equal. Get to know the leading search firm in Austin, Texas.
- Since starting our company in 2013, we’ve built a successful track record of long-lasting permanent placements with an extensive network of companies throughout Central Texas, including start-ups, family-owned businesses, PE & VC-backed “growth companies”, large corporations, pre-IPO and publicly-traded companies, and accounting firms.
- Both of our Co-Founders, Spencer & Ariana, began their careers as Accounting & Finance professionals prior to entering the recruiting sector. This enhances their knowledge of the industry and the jobs and career paths that go along with it.
- Our clients include companies in a wide variety of industries, including Software, Technology, Real Estate, Financial Services, Manufacturing, Retail, E-Commerce, Renewable Energy, Utilities, Consumer Products, Hospitality, Oil & Gas, Professional Services, Not-for-Profit, Transportation & Logistics, Mining, Construction, and Healthcare, among others.
Why utilize Hill Country Search Advisors as a primary resource in your job search?

- Our main goals are – 1) to get to know you, both as a person and as a professional, 2) to gain a full understanding of the motivating factors in your job search, including your long-term and short-term career aspirations, along with personal circumstances, and 3) introduce you to the best opportunities in the marketplace to help you reach your goals.
- We establish close relationships with our client companies and try our best to gain an in-depth understanding of their company culture, work environment, and career development opportunities in order to benefit the candidates we represent.
- Our small team is trusted to work in a discreet manner, keeping all information confidential as requested.
- We hope and expect that our interactions with job-seekers will lead to long-term, lasting relationships. If we don’t have the right opportunity for you right now, hopefully we will in future weeks, months or years.
In addition to introducing job seekers to opportunities with our client companies, we provide many other services, including:
- Resume review and enhancement
- Interview tips and preparation
- Job market and industry expertise
- Salary information
- Negotiation advice
Recent Placements:
Listed below are some of the placements we have made with our clients in the last several months:
Q4 2024
VP of Accounting for a large Student
Housing developer
Senior Accountant for a pre-IPO Technology company
Sr. Financial Analyst for a national Retail franchisor
Director of FP&A for a PE-backed Software company
Assistant Controller for a global Manufacturing firm
Q3 2024
Director of Financial Reporting for a Private Equity firm
Senior Tax Associate for a local Consulting firm
VP of Finance for a privately-held Service company
A/P Supervisor for a regional Construction firm
Sr. Accountant for a fast-growing SaaS company
Q2 2024
FP&A Manager for an expanding Technology company
Director of Accounting for an Austin-based Healthcare company
Sr. Tax Associate for a reputable Public Accounting firm
Staff Accountant for a privately-held Service company
Financial Reporting Analyst for a fast-growing Insurance company
Q1 2024
VP of Finance & Operations for a global Manufacturing company
Sr. Property Accountant for an Austin-based Real Estate firm
Controller for an Austin-based Interior Design firm
Revenue Accounting Manager for a growing E-Commerce company
Sr. Finance Associate for an established Private Equity firm
Q4 2023
Controller for a large, reputable Membership Organization
Sr. Financial Analyst for an established Renewable Energy firm
Property Accounting Manager for a mid-sized Real Estate company
Senior Accountant for a publicly-traded Software company
Financial Reporting Manager for an Integrated Family Office
Q3 2023
Controller for an expanding Real Estate Development firm
Sr. Financial Analyst for a publicly-traded SaaS company
Tax Manager for a reputable, local CPA firm
Senior Accountant for an established, regional Transportation group
Accounting Manager for a PE-backed Consumer Products company
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